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A Professor of Environmental Behavioral ScienceEarth System Science and a Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, I am a biological anthropologist with interests in human ecology and adaptability, demography and life history theory, and the human ecology of infectious disease. Biological anthropology is the study of the origins and maintenance of human diversity and the axis of diversity that defines my research interests is the stunning variation across populations and through time in the fundamental quantities of demography: age-specific mortality and fertility rates. I am increasingly interested in existential problems facing humanity and using the tools of evolutionary ecology to address these.

More about James Holland Jones


I maintain a portfolio of research projects that combine themes from human ecology, infectious disease dynamics, social network analysis, and biodemography. A very incomplete sampling of this portfolio can be found below.


I teach a variety of classes in the Department of Earth System Science and the Program in Earth Systems, some of which are also cross-listed in Human Biology. I have collected here course descriptions as they appear in the Stanford Bulletin, some other contextual material where appropriate, syllabi, and some other assorted hand-outs.

In addition to my Stanford teaching, I co-organize a number of workshop on topics such as social network analysis and formal demography.